command center

Create your View Own Command Center

The Holidays are officially here! Are you ready? The best time of the year, right? But before you can think about decorating your home for the Holidays you need to take control of all the activities coming up. We all know that the Holidays are the busiest time for us so let me show you a great way to stay on top of all the events and activities you are going to need to be at.  

Create Your Own Command Center



Have you heard of a command center? A command center is where everyone in the family knows where everything is, where they put important dates, where the tape, glue, scissors, batteries, etc. are stored.  A command center is the hub of your family.


Today I am going to share with you my personal Command Center. I am from a family of six.  It’s me and my husband and four children.  Our command center is in our kitchen and is right by our garage door. This is the heartbeat of our home.  


My command center consists of three drawers and one cabinet unit. Above our dresser unit is a Cork Board, a file box for every child and mom, a pin board, and a calendar.  On top of the dresser is a place to put my handbag, I have a dish that holds my keys, then we have a pen holder, and our bowl of sanitizer for the kiddo's backpacks. And of course some fun and cute decorative items on display and always a vase of flowers. We also store our umbrellas in an umbrella stand in the hopes the rain will come.


Inside our dresser you will find just about everything your kids are always asking for but don’t know where to find it. These items include, scissors, batteries, tape, glue, tissue, paper, notepads, pencils, and crafting supplies.  


It really doesn’t matter where you have a command center in your house, I just find that this works for us. It’s convenient and the best part for me is I always know where my keys and handbag are.  The life of a busy mom, right?!


I really hope this idea of a Command Center inspires you to create one or maybe create a more functional one.  If you ever need help with your home design or just want to ask a question please send me an email.  I would love to help you with all your design needs.  


Cheers to the Holidays and Hooray to Command Centers, mine saves me every day!


Dina Marie Joy